Information, stories, and photos from the family trees of George E. Gullen, Jr. and Mary Ruth Gullen.
Unless otherwise indicated, the stated relationship of an ancestor or relative is to the children of George and Ruth
John Titus, Jr. & Elizabeth Titus (4th GGs)
James Frederick and Marietta Gullen
St Margaret of Wessex (28th GG)
Isabella of Angouleme (24th GG)
Philippa of Hainault (20th GG)
Philippa of Clarence (Plantagenet) (18th GG)
Louis VI France (27th GG)
Lionel of Antwerp (Plantagenet) (19th GG)
Margaret Percy (14th GG)
Hugh Capet (31st GG)
Henry III (Plantagenet) (23rd GG)
Nancy Ann and Robert Gullen (2nd GGs)
Louis IX of France "St. Louis" (24th GG)
Matilda of Flanders (28th GG)
Philip III of France (23rd GG)
Henry II (Plantagenet) (25th GG)
Henry I (Plantagenet) (27th GG)
Alice Maud & George E Gullen, Sr.
Eleanor of Castile & Leon (22nd GG)
Eleanor of England (25th GG)
Empress Matilda (26th GG)
Ferdinand III of Castile (23rd GG)
Charles II of Naples
Berengaria "la Grande" (26th GG)
Afonso I of Portugal (26th GG)
George E Gullen, Sr.
George E Gullen, Jr.
Edward I (Plantagenet) (22nd GG)
Edward II (Plantagenet) (21st GG)
Edward III (Plantagenet) (20th GG)
Elizabeth Mortimer (17th GG)
Charlemagne (38th GG)
Blanche of Castile (25th GG)
Alice Maud Gullen (nee Scruton)
Margaret & Albert Scruton
Henry Percy II (15th GG)
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Chris Gullen, Editor